All Things Consist of Atoms

All Things Consist of Atoms

The electrons located in the outermost shells in proximity to the nucleus exhibit a pronounced attractive force towards the protons. Occasionally, the electrons in the outermost shells of an atom exhibit a weak attractive force towards the protons. The displacement of these electrons from their respective orbits can occur. By exerting a force, it is possible to induce a transition from one atom to another. Electricity is generated by the movement of electrons.

Nature Contains Static Electricity

Lightning is a manifestation of electrical energy. Lightning is the result of the movement of electrons between clouds or the leaping of electrons from a cloud to the earth. Have you ever experienced a sensation of astonishment when making contact with an object subsequent to traversing a carpet? An influx of electrons was seen emanating from the aforementioned item. This phenomenon is commonly referred to as static electricity.

Have you ever achieved a straightening of your hair by applying pressure on it with a balloon? If such is the case, you transferred electrons from the balloon. The transfer of electrons occurred from the balloon to the hair. The electrons attempted to distance themselves from one another by relocating towards the extremities of your hair. They exerted force or repulsion on each other, causing your hair to move. Similar to the attraction between opposite charges, like charges exhibit repulsion.

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